Who Can Safely Use Estrogen and Who Can Not?

The WHI, Women's Health Initiative, was the largest study ever to look at hormone effects in women.
The FINAL conclusions showed how women who supplemented with Estrogen ALONE had an even LOWER RISK of breast cancer than even the placebo group, and that indeed it was NOT Estrogen that increased a woman's risk of Breast Cancer - but instead the SYNTHETIC Chemical "Look-Alike" to ProgesterONE , called ProgesTIN, that was the actually cause of increased rates of Breast Cancer.
You see - ProgesterONE is different than ProgesTIN. ProgesterONE is our wonderful Hormone BALANCER for our Estrogen. And the Synthetic "look-alike" ProgesTIN - is what increases a woman's risk of Breast Cancer!
And this is what women are given when they take Hormone Replacement Therapy that is not Bioidentical.
For MOST women, we do not need to be afraid of using the right Estrogens at the right doses.
This includes Estradiol and Estriol with the balancing BIOIDENTICAL ProgesterONE.
In fact, this combination PROTECTS US.
My line of Bioidentical Hormones, called Young Hormones has three different Hormone creams: Hormone Protect, Hormone Heaven and Hormone Support.
Each is perfect for a specific time in your "life stage". We feel very confident that we are offering you an excellent opportunity to balance your own hormones safely and effectively.
HOWEVER... There are a few groups of women who we take a more conservative approach with:
1. Women who have unhealthy lifestyles with high exposure to toxins. It's important to help these women improve their exposure to toxic substances and start cleansing their GUT, Liver and Cells. We know that 90% or more of all breast cancers are caused by Lifestyle Factors, so getting on the right diet and detox program is vital.
Bioidentical hormones they will perform much better AND provide the safety profile we have proof of if a healthier lifestyle and detox plan is also part of the plan.
2. Women who have elevated Estrogen levels. There is no reason to use Estrogen if the levels are already elevated. In fact, I recommend a product called DIM to help decrease Estrogen levels for these women.
(Here is a secret! We're coming out with an amazing product of synergistic nutrients that will help women properly metabolize their Estrogens in the very near future!)
In addition to this, I recommend Progesterone (Hormone PROTECT) to balance the Estrogen elevation and resolve the Estrogen Dominance.
3. Women who have personally had breast cancer with Estrogen Positive Receptors. These women need a conservative approach as well. These women should use ONLY Progesterone, though in some women, can also benefit from Estriol as long as their Estriol levels are being monitored. Estriol is a protective Estrogen and primarily binds to the Estrogen Beta receptor. Breast cancer is more closely associated with Estrogen Alpha receptor.
Estriol also has no conversion to any other hormone whereas Estradiol (E2) can convert to Estrone (E1). And it is Estrone that binds primarily to the Estrogen Alpha receptor. (Estradiol (E2) binds equally to the Alpha and Beta receptors.
So for women who have had breast cancer that has Estrogen Positive Receptors, No Estradiol (E2) should be used at all because we don't want to raise the Estradiol (E2) or Estrone (E1) levels.
4. Women who have 2 FIRST degree relatives with breast cancer. First degree means father, mother, sister or brother, daughter or son. Not grandmother or aunts etc. These women I recommend the same care as women who have had a personal history of breast cancer. Estriol (E3) and Progesterone only. (Use Hormone Support or Hormone Protect, but not Hormone Heaven)
5. Women who have multiple relatives with breast cancer but not necessarily First degree relatives. For instance a mother, grandmother and an aunt. This is enough for me to be very conservative and recommend only Estriol (E3) and Progesterone (Use Hormone Support or Hormone Protect, but not Hormone Heaven)
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