Part 1: Did you know ANDROGEN DOMINANCE can "set-in" during Midlife?

Did you know that in many women there is an ANDROGEN DOMINANCE that "sets-in" during Midlife?
Our main Androgens are DHEA and Testosterone - those wonderful strong hormones that are great for our energy levels and immune function. In fact, DHEA and Testosterone DECREASE the risk and flairs of Auto-immune diseases and Allergies! That's one of the reasons why men have much lower rates of these Autoimmune Diseases and seem to have more physical endurance (certainly not more mental endurance than us women). It's because they have higher levels of Androgens!
As you might expect, Androgens decline through our midlife years, just like our Estrogen and Progesterone declines - EXCEPT they decline at SLOWER rates than our other hormones. Since Estrogen and Progesterone decline more quickly than DHEA and Testosterone, the risk of an ANDROGEN DOMINANCE occurs. And you know what THAT means... Growth of Facial Hair, Loss of Scalp Hair and Increasing Abdominal Fat! UGH! No thank you! I'll leave that for the men!
Now this doesn't happen to ALL women. But it does happen to a LOT of us! And WHEN it happens - it's SNEAKY and occurs over a long period of time leaving us SHOCKED when we finally recognize what is happening!
Click here for PART 2 on ANDROGEN DOMINANCE and Discover How You can Tell if It's Happening to You!
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