As you know I help Midlife Women Restore their Vitality and Enjoyment of Life!

What you will Discover:

Hormones are Simply Chemical Messengers!
When you put all these different glandular organs together in one group, they make up an entire system in the body called the Endocrine System.
So the Endocrine System is made up of Different Endocrine glands (like the thyroid , Ovaries, adrenal glands) which each make specific hormones that are secreted into the bloodstream where they travel in the blood to all the other organs, muscles, bone, brain and skin, where they interact and deliver the messages that each Hormone was designed to deliver.Â
This is why you can have SO MANY CRAZY SYMPTOMS when your hormones decline - or are imbalanced!Â

Top 15 Signs of Hormone Decline and Imbalance:
- Difficulty Sleeping
- General Fatigue
- Brain Fog, Memory Lapses and Forgetfulness, Poor Focus
- Urinary Leakage and Incontinence
- Low Sex Drive
- Headaches
- Dry Vagina
- Rapid Aging with Skin, Hair and Nail Changes
- Dry Eyes
- Hot Flashes/Night Sweats
- Mood Swings, Sadness, Anxiety, Irritability and Panic Attacks
- Weight Gain
- Gas and Bloating
- Heart Palpitations
- Aches, Pains and Stiff Joints Â
Now just because you don't see YOUR particular symptom in the list above, don't assume that means YOUR symptom in not hormonally caused.
There are literally 100's of symptoms. These are just the most common ones!
5 Debilitating Risks You Take When You Ignore Your Hormones
Most Women think about Menopause and Peri-menopause as a time when they will experience hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, insomnia, weight gain and bloating.
Yes, these are certainly enough to deal with!  But... they arenât the entire picture! What is critical to think about â is what is REALLY lurking around the corner... the things that will steal their life away.
The REAL dangers of Hormone Decline are far greater than symptoms.
Here is the truth about Hormone Decline that you ought to be thinking about - Your Future Depends on it.
1. BREAST CANCER: Restoring your hormones DECREASES the risk of Breast Cancer. That's right. The Women's Health Initiative Proved that Estrogen used around the time of Menopause (and for up to 10 years beyond menopause) were LEAST likely to get Breast Cancer. This was even the case when compared to the group of women who took a Placebo
It also proved that it was the ProgesTIN that Increased a Woman's Risk of Breast Cancer - (please don't take ProgesTINs!).
Bioidentical ProgesterONES do NOT increase a risk of Breast Cancer and in fact may Decrease your risk even further.
2. HEART DISEASE: Heart Disease is still the number one killer of women in the United States. And Hormone Replacement decreases your risk of heart attack when used topically (not orally).Â
3. OSTEOPOROSIS AND BONE FRACTURES â Fragile Bones literally steals your freedom and leaves You with pain, immobility and loss of independence.  And there isn't a single good medical treatment for Osteoporosis. The ONLY good treatment for Osteoporosis is Hormones, Exercise, Diet and Supplements. Fact. Â
4. DIABETES - Women who never use Hormone Replacement therapy suffer with a 70% (yes, that is SEVENTY PERCENT) greater risk of Diabetes.
5. MEMORY LOSS â Dementia is the greatest stealer of all. Just ask anyone who has a loved one with Dementia. This slow, debilitating, lonely disease effects both you and your loved ones.
The Risks of allowing "nature to take its course" are completely up to you.
And though restoring hormones isn't for everyone, the BENEFITS far outweigh the RISKS for MOST women.
You CAN Spice Up Your life and start living the second half of your âgrown upâ years using the maturity and wisdom youâre earned.Â
Itâs time to live the way YOU want to live, and KNOW with certainty that you are doing Your Body good!
Discover more about our AMAZING line of Bioidentical HormonesÂ
Balanced Beautifully for most all women Dr. Karen has caredâ¤ď¸ for over the last 20 years in her private practice.