10 Things you Need to do to Prevent Osteoporosis BEFORE Menopause
Getting Strong and Powerful!
Osteoporosis is a silent disease. Did you know that we lose bone mass during the 3 to 5 years before and after menopause FASTER than any other time in our lives? In fact, on average we lose 20% or MORE of our bone mass during these Peri-Menopausal years ...
BECAUSE of Hormone Decline!
Preserving your bone around the time of peri-menopause is VITAL!
Here are 10 things you need to do to prevent disaster later on:
- Replace your sex hormones to Healthy Physiologic Levels! Sex Hormone Replacement is now considered an important PREVENTION for osteoporosis!
Stay as active as you can. Sometimes it takes a Mindset change to get yourself going. If you don’t want to do formal exercise, find an active fun activity that requires you to keep moving.
Stay away from SODA! The phosphorus in soda leaches calcium from your bones! Keep your caffeine in take controlled as well. Excessive caffeine also leaches calcium from your bones.
Keep your thyroid levels normal! Too active of a thyroid will strip your bones of their strength! The best range for your TSH is between 0.7 and 1.7.
Don’t skimp on sleep. A recent Study published in the Journal of American Geriatrics clearly showed less than 6 hours of sleep a night resulted in bone loss.
Take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement along with adequate Calcium and Vitamin D3. It is so hard to get adequate nutrition even when you have a good diet. Minerals such as Magnesium, Selenium, Strontium, Boron, are super important to.
Keep your blood sugars well managed with a good diet high in fiber and low in sugar. Elevated insulin levels cause bone loss.
Limit Alcohol – 2 drinks or more a day has been shown to increase bone loss.
If you smoke … stop! It prevents Estrogen from being properly utilized by your cells. AND Estrogen is vital for bone growth and maintenance.
- Try to stay away from medications that cause bone loss. Any form of steroids is detrimental on your bones.
Research has shown that even 90 year old women can build bone mass with exercise and nutrition! We all can ENJOY healthy bones our entire lives by empowering ourselves with these 10 Wonderful Healthy Tips!
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